A woman with beautiful skin and hair

6 supplements for glowing skin and beautiful hair

Are you frustrated with dry skin, chapped lips or bad looking hair? Natural food supplements or vitamins for hair and skin may be the solution you're looking for. There is no shortage of skin and hair vitamins on the market, but not all are created equal.

Let's take a look at biotin, one of the hair vitamins found in many foods and easily available for purchase. Some results suggest that smoking can cause biotin deficiency, and symptoms include:

  • Loss of hair color
  • A red, scaly rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Hair thinning

Biotin supplements have been shown to be likely effective in biotin deficiency and to be safe when taken in recommended amounts.

Omega-3 fatty acids are another hair solution. Omega-3 can increase the shine of the hair and keep the scalp soft from flaking. in 2017 in September in the magazine "Biochimica et Biophysica Acta” a published study found that dietary supplements with fish oil, loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, may have therapeutic benefits for many inflammatory skin conditions.

Next investigation, published in 2015 In March, the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology revealed that taking omega-3 and omega-6 together with antioxidants for 6 months was effective against hair loss and improved hair density.

Women of childbearing age are understandably anemic due to blood loss during menstruation, which results in hair loss. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anemia. Iron replacement usually achieved through vitamins and minerals. Your doctor can do a simple test to check for anemia.

Zinc also has antioxidant properties and is vital for the body's resistance to infection and tissue repair. However, high doses of zinc are toxic, so consult a specialist.

Vitamin C is another vitamin skin, because it helps your skin retain collagen. A study published in 2017 November in the magazine "Nutrients,” showed that vitamin C also aids wound healing and helps control inflammation.

Many hair and skin vitamins can give you a better complexion, shinier locks, and stronger nails.

Biotin is an amazing hair vitamin

Found in foods like peanut butter and bananas, biotin is a B vitamin that supports the skin, nerves, digestive tract and metabolism. Supplements can be used to help reduce hair loss and promote nail growth.

Fern extract has skin-protecting properties

Fern extract has been studied for nearly 20 years for its skin-protecting abilities. In fact, a recent study found that it protects against UV rays. It can also be used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis.

"It has been proven that fern extract has a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect on skin tissue," say specialists. "The consumption is based on weight, which correlates with the amount of skin," the researchers explain.

Iron makes the skin glow

Without iron, hair can become thin and dry. Also, without iron, your nails can become brittle and break.

Iron is found in spinach, oysters and cashews. Iron helps your skin glow by activating B vitamins. Dermatologists recommend iron supplements only for patients who are truly deficient. Iron deficiency can cause additional symptoms such as fatigue. More information on the causes of fatigue can be found here in the article.

Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent wrinkles

Omega-3 found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel. Omega-3 helps keep the skin moist.

Omega-3 fatty acids also delay the aging process of the skin, which prevents wrinkles - says the Scientist. One in 2005 investigation showed that EPA, a type of omega-3 found mainly in fish oil, helps block UV-induced enzymes. These enzymes eat the collagen of the skin, slow down its release and the result is sagging skin. In addition, omega-3 can increase hair shine, prevent hair dryness and keep the scalp free of dandruff.

Vitamin C is a hair growth vitamin

Vitamin C can improve hair growth, fight dandruff, stop hair loss and cause thicker hair,” while its deficiency can cause split ends. in 2013 done investigation showed that people who took vitamin E and C supplements had moister, firmer, and clearer skin after four months.

Vitamin E fights fine lines and other signs of aging

Vitamin E, like vitamin C, is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radical damage that causes fine lines. in 2010 a study also found that men who took this vitamin for skin and hair had more hair than those who took a placebo. Vitamin E can be obtained by eating Avocados.

It's important

It is important to remember that everyone's health is individual and there is no one-size-fits-all recipe!

So, if you want to know whether your body needs probiotics the most right now, health experts recommend the Test  "Your Day".

*In time, pay attention to the signals sent by your well-being;

*Replenish the body with natural minerals or vitamins;

*Enjoy energy and good mood every day!

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