"Harmoning people" holistic health studio

"Harmoning people" holistic health studio "Harmoning people" holistic health studio

Bioresonance examination of the body (using the Life Expert Profi natural biosystems testing device) will suit you if:

• Do you want to know how to prevent negative changes in the body?
• Do you want to know how your body functions?
• Do you want to know what effect stress, fatigue, smoking has on your body?
• Interested in healthy eating?
• Interested in your body's weak spots?
• Interested in strengthening immunity and a balanced diet?

During the bioresonance examination and consultation, you will learn:

• What is the current functional state of your body systems and 47 organs. Deviations from normal limits to chronic or inflammatory processes.
• You will learn about deviations from normal limits to chronic or inflammatory processes
• Propensity of specific organs to deviations
• Influence of emotional state on organs. Psychosomatics analysis
• You will find out what and where in the body there is a load of parasitic microorganisms with helminths, viruses, fungi
• How your body is affected by food, drugs, physical exertion, drugs, stress
• Food intolerance and reactivity to environmental factors
• Absorption of vitamins, amino acids and their deficiency in the body.

After the test, you receive individual recommendations for strengthening and recovery of your body:

• Dietary recommendations according to the current state of health
• Recommendations for supplements, nutrients, lifestyle and stress correction.
• Recommendations for additional health examinations (in case of deviations)
• Complete analysis of your health status in PDF format

The test is quick and painless. It is more like a procedure performed by a cardiogram. Electrodes are placed on the head, wrists and feet. During the procedure, the functional status of 9 body systems and 47 organs is scanned. The test is unique in that it records health deviations that a person may not feel, so it is a very important part of the body's prevention.

You can register for the study by phone: +37067963313
By e-mail: harmonizmones@gmail.com
Location: Kaunas, Baranausko st. 19-301 kab.

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