Metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down food and nutrients to produce energy. This is how our body supports different functions. What people eat, including vitamins and minerals, affects the entire metabolic process.
A faster metabolism burns calories faster, so a person is less likely to gain weight. As a person ages, metabolism naturally slows down. Certain vitamins and minerals can help maintain an efficient metabolism. Supplements can help, but whole foods are the best source of vitamins and minerals.
The best food supplements for metabolism
B-group vitamins
A deficiency of one of the B vitamins can affect other B vitamins. A deficiency of B-group vitamins can disrupt a person's metabolism.
B-12 is essential for protein and fat metabolism.
B-6 and folate are needed for proper body function.
B-6 also helps metabolize protein.
Thiamine helps the body metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
The ability to process fats, proteins and carbohydrates is essential. A good metabolism ensures that the body uses these nutrients for energy rather than storing them as fat. People need to regularly eat foods that contain B vitamins to maintain good health. B-12 is only found in animal products, which means vegetarians and vegans can have trouble getting enough of this vitamin.
Digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes (mysterious key to health) are compounds that help break down foods into smaller components that the body can absorb. Your body naturally produces digestive enzymes, but they can also be obtained from supplements. Interestingly, the gut microbiome may play an important role in weight control. Taking probiotics along with digestive enzymes can help protect against changes in the gut microbiome that occur with antibiotics. Some research suggests that enzymes can improve the health of the gut microbiome, which may have implications for weight control.
Magnesium is an essential nutrient for better muscle function and promoting good chemical reactions that support energy production in the body.
Calcium helps regulate blood sugar, it also slightly raises your core body temperature, which helps burn fat faster. Dairy products and nuts such as almonds are good sources of calcium.
It's important
Taking vitamins and minerals will not necessarily improve your metabolism. However, they will help you supplement your diet and prevent unintended weight gain and maintain a healthy metabolism.