
8 Ways to Increase Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone plays an important role in many aspects of health, from sexual function to disease risk. Here are some steps you can take to naturally boost your testosterone levels.

What is testosterone

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. At birth, a girl also has a small amount of it.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is mainly produced in the testicles and ovaries. The adrenal glands also produce small amounts of it.

During puberty in boys, testosterone is one of the main factors influencing body changes such as muscle mass gain, lower voice, hair growth, bone growth and strength.

Optimal testosterone levels are critical throughout adulthood.

For adult men, optimal levels are important for overall health, including disease risk, body composition, and sexual function.

In addition, increasing testosterone to optimal levels can lead to increased muscle mass and strength.

Interestingly, testosterone also plays an important role in women's health and sexual well-being.

Testosterone is synthesized in the body from cholesterol. However, high cholesterol does not mean that your testosterone will be high. Testosterone levels are closely controlled by the pituitary gland in the brain.

Decreased testosterone

In recent years, scientists (and pharmaceutical companies) have focused on the effects of testosterone deficiency, especially among men. Testosterone decline begins between the ages of 25-30. In fact, as men age, testosterone levels decline very gradually, about 1-2% each year - unlike the relatively rapid decline in estrogen that causes menopause.

Testicles produce less testosterone. There are fewer signals from the pituitary gland telling the testicles to produce testosterone, and a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) increases with age. All of this reduces the active (free) form of testosterone in the body.

More than a third of men over the age of 45 may have lower than normal levels of testosterone (although, as mentioned, determining optimal testosterone levels is difficult and somewhat controversial).

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in adult men include:

  • Decreased amount of body and facial hair
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, impotence, small testicles, low sperm count and infertility
  • Increased breast size
  • Irritability, poor concentration and depression
  • Fragile bones and increased risk of fractures
  • Increased body fat

There are times when low testosterone is not such a bad thing. The most common example is probably prostate cancer. Testosterone can promote the growth of prostate cancer. This is why drugs that lower testosterone levels (such as leuprolide) are common in the treatment of men with prostate cancer. Men taking testosterone replacement therapy should be closely monitored for prostate cancer.

Here are eight evidence-based ways to increase testosterone naturally.

Exercise and weight lifting

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent many lifestyle diseases. Not only that, it can also increase testosterone levels.

One in 2015 A study in obese men found that increased physical activity was more beneficial than calorie restriction in increasing testosterone levels.1

Based on the available information, the effect on testosterone levels may vary depending on several factors, including the type of exercise and the intensity of the training.

Resistance (strength) training, such as weightlifting, has been shown to increase testosterone levels in the short term.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can also be very effective.

All forms of exercise can increase testosterone levels, especially weightlifting and high-intensity interval training.

Eat protein, fat and carbohydrates

What you eat can affect your testosterone and other hormones.

In addition, constant overeating can disrupt testosterone levels.

Eating enough proteins you can help maintain healthy testosterone levels and aid in fat loss.

Healthy fats consumption can also help maintain testosterone levels and hormone balance. Some studies show that a low-fat diet can actually lower testosterone levels.

Therefore, a nutritious, well-balanced diet based largely on a varied diet is best. A healthy balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates can help optimize hormone levels and support overall health.

A nutritious, well-rounded diet with a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates can support healthy testosterone levels.

Reduce stress and cortisol levels

Research often emphasizes the long-term stress dangers that can increase levels of the hormone cortisol.

A sudden increase in cortisol can quickly decrease testosterone levels. These hormones often act like scales: When one goes up, the other goes down.

Stress and high cortisol levels can also lead to increased food intake, weight gain, and the accumulation of harmful body fat around organs. In turn, these changes can negatively affect testosterone levels.

For optimal health and hormone levels, try to manage your stress levels. Staying active, getting plenty of sleep each night, and practicing some stress-reducing techniques can help.

Chronic stress can negatively affect health and lower testosterone levels.

Enjoy the sunshine and vitamin D

Vitamin D is a micronutrient that plays a key role in many aspects of health.

Despite its importance, it is estimated that up to 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D.

Some studies suggest that low vitamin D levels may be associated with lower testosterone levels.2

In addition, in 2017 A study of 102 men with vitamin D deficiency found that taking a vitamin D supplement increased testosterone levels and improved erectile dysfunction.3

More research is needed, as results from other studies have been conflicting.

To maintain healthy levels of vitamin D, try to get regular exposure to sunlight or consider taking vitamin D3 supplements.

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Some studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D may be associated with decreased testosterone levels.

Consider supplementation

Although the potential benefits of multivitamins are widely debated, certain supplements may be helpful in maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

In one study, zinc supplementation increased testosterone levels and improved sexual function.3

According to another review, zinc supplements may also benefit men with low testosterone and infertility, especially if they have testosterone deficiency.

Find out more about the benefits of zinc – Zinc benefits: everything you need to know.

Older research suggests that several herbal supplements may also help support healthy testosterone levels, including ginger and ashwagandha.

Zinc supplements can support optimal testosterone levels, especially in people with testosterone deficiency. Other herbal supplements, such as ginger and ashwagandha, may also be helpful.

Peaceful and quality sleep

Good sleep is just as important to health as diet and exercise.

The quality of your sleep can also have a big impact on your testosterone levels. In fact, one study of 2,295 adolescent boys and men found that disturbed sleep may be linked to lower testosterone levels.5

The ideal amount of sleep varies from person to person, but a small amount in 2011. study found that sleeping just 5 hours per night was associated with a 10-15% decrease in testosterone levels.

Interestingly, one study of older men found that increased sleep duration of up to 9.9 hours was associated with increased testosterone levels. Conversely, sleeping more than 9.9 hours was actually linked to lower testosterone levels.

Scientists have done a lot of research and determined the optimal time to sleep - Scientists have found that 7 hours of sleep is best for middle-aged people. You just need to remember that sleep must be of good quality.

In the category - For a peaceful sleep you can find supplements recommended by specialists.

Getting plenty of good quality sleep is important to maintaining healthy testosterone levels and optimizing overall health.

Avoid estrogen-like chemicals

There are several other factors that can affect your hormone levels.

A healthy sex life plays an important role in the regulation of sex hormone and testosterone levels.

High exposure to estrogen-like chemicals can also affect testosterone levels. Try to minimize your daily exposure to bisphenol-A (BPA), parabens, and other chemicals found in some types of plastic.

Reducing exposure to estrogen-like chemicals can positively impact testosterone levels and health.

Let's regulate the amount of alcohol

The relationship between alcohol and testosterone is complicated.

Some studies show that excessive alcohol consumption can lower testosterone levels.

Testosterone levels can drop as little as 30 minutes after drinking alcohol. Heavy alcohol consumption can reduce testicular function and cause testicular atrophy.

Interestingly, studies involving adolescent boys and young men have shown that testosterone levels can be used to predict alcohol dependence or the onset of alcohol use.

It is best to limit alcohol consumption, as excessive consumption can have a negative effect on testosterone levels and testicular health.

It's important

Testosterone levels in men peak after age 19 and naturally begin to decline with age. After age 30, testosterone declines by an average of 1-2% per year, although it may stabilize in the 40s or older.

This decline is a cause for concern because studies show a link between low testosterone levels and obesity, increased risk of disease and early death.

Following a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle using some of the tips outlined above can help optimize testosterone levels while promoting overall health.

It is important to rememberthat everyone's health is individual and there is no common recipe for everyone!

So, if you want to know what nutrients your body might be lacking right now, health professionals recommend a guide –  "Your Day".

  • In time, pay attention to the signals sent by your well-being
  • Replenish the body with natural minerals, vitamins and nutrients necessary for health.
  • Enjoy energy and good mood everyday!

The information is prepared based on comprehensive publication.

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