Hormone balance

Hormones: What are they and how do they relate to your personality?

Did you know that hormones determine how you feel and look? You may feel like you're just in a bad mood today, but it could also be the result of another problem. Hormones can affect your psychological and physical well-being.

Hormonal imbalances can have a profound effect on your life. Even the slightest hormonal imbalance can have a profound effect on your mood, you can become more irritable, and it can be difficult to think. So you have the opportunity to find out which hormone is dominant in you and which personality type you belong to.

What is a hormone?

Regarding this topic, it is first important to know what a hormone is. Hormones are like your body's chemical messengers. They travel through the bloodstream to tissues or organs.

Hormones act slowly over time and influence many different processes, such as growth and development.

Hormones and most of the tissues (mainly glands) that produce and secrete them make up the endocrine system. Hormones control many different processes in the body, including:

  • metabolism
  • blood pressure and blood sugar regulation, fluid (water) and electrolyte balance, and body temperature
  • Growth and development
  • Sexual function
  • The cycle of sleep and wakefulness
  • Mood

Personality type according to hormones

According to the four hormones, there is a theory that an excess of a certain hormone can shape a person's personality. These hormones are strongly related to human personality traits and can strongly shape our appearance and our character.

In a common case, a person can be dominated by two hormones. According to this, the types of people are formed. Hormones by which people are divided into types are:

  • Dopamine
  • Seratonin
  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone

Concentration hormone - Dopamine

This hormone is needed for many important body functions, including movement, memory, pleasure and motivation. High or low levels of dopamine have been linked to several mental health and neurological conditions.

Dopamine is an important part of our uniquely human ability to think and plan. It helps us to pursue, focus and find interesting things.

People who have more doping are called researchers. There are about 26% such people in the world. In terms of appearance, this type of person is often petite, shorter, and often quite boyish in appearance. These people are very mobile, unable to sit down in one place.

People who belong to this type have a fast metabolism. These people like to eat a lot, but they stay thin because they use up the energy they get very quickly. Often these people get serious diseases, the most common being oncological, because they do not understand the value of healthy nutrition. Illnesses are usually caused by high levels of stress.

In terms of character, this type of people tend to associate with people who have similar levels of dopamine. Other types of people find it quite difficult to get along with the energy and dynamism of this type of person. In terms of relationships, these people are often fickle. Also, these people have a great need for innovation.

Smiling woman

Happiness hormone - Seratonin

This hormone is the most well-known. It is associated with relaxation, sleep quality and peace. Because of this, this hormone is also called the hormone of happiness. Women's bodies tend to produce less serotonin than men's bodies.

The second type of people is builders. This type of people tend to seek stability and a state of happiness. They are calm and very social. They like facts, justice and rules. Also, this type of people tend to create and maintain artificial relationships with others.

In terms of appearance, these people can differ greatly. Their composition can be varied. But the main similarities are in the facial features. A rectangular face, maybe a little more like a square. The face of these people will very rarely be round.

This type of people are more prone to depression. If their existing order collapses, they become severely out of balance. They can often have paranoid deviations because they can get too caught up in their inner need for justice. In Lithuania, there are mostly readers.

"Women's" hormone

This hormone is related to all organ systems. Estrogen is often considered a female hormone, but men also need it, but in smaller amounts. One of the signs of estrogen deficiency is impaired memory, this sign is more common in women.

Other signs of decreased estrogen include: impaired vision, difficulty concentrating, depression, moodiness.

People in whom the hormone estrogen dominates are called negotiators. If this hormone dominates a man's body, he will be very empathetic.

Also, these people have excellent intuition and are very flexible. Common characteristics of this type are: excellent big picture vision and broad thinking.

These people tend to see what they want to see and ignore what they think is unnecessary. For this reason, they may not notice their health problems for a long time, because they will consider everything as a small thing.

Male dominant hormone

Testosterone is one of the main androgens in the body. Androgens are types of hormones involved in male reproduction. This hormone contributes to sex drive, fat distribution, muscle strength, bone mass, and red blood cell production in both men and women.

Directors type has the smallest number of people. This type includes people who have an excess of testosterone. Signs of excess of this hormone in the body are: aggressiveness, competitiveness, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, diabetes, acne.

Often, such people try not to delve too deeply into the emotions of others, and are not very empathetic. Women with too much testosterone are often called heartless. However, when they break out, they are controlled by their emotions and become very vindictive.

Testosterone deficiency can manifest itself in hair loss, lack of energy, loss of muscle mass, bone loss, and mood swings. There are several natural ways to increase testosterone levels in the body, such as eating lots of protein or getting lots of vitamin D.

In terms of appearance, this type has few similarities. Most of the time, they are united by a strong physique, but they can also be lean and large. Also, this type of people can suffer from dyslexia, various forms of autism, and can also stutter.

Less known hormones

It has been established that a person has more than 50 hormones, but we only know the most popular ones. However, due to the proper functioning of our body, they all work. Some convert sugar into energy, while others regulate blood pressure, but all are equally important.

Sugar regulating hormone - Insulin

Another well-known hormone is Insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It has many functions, but its main job is to convert the glucose (sugar) we get from food into a form that the body can use for energy.

Insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels. When the body cannot produce or process insulin properly, insulin resistance, prediabetes, or diabetes can occur.

Energy hormone - Cortisol

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. It performs many functions that help maintain health and energy. Cortisol helps regulate metabolism, regulate blood pressure, and even shape memory.

Cortisol is sometimes called the stress hormone because the body releases more cortisol in response to stress. Too much cortisol over a long period of time can lead to hypertension, anxiety, sleep disorders, and autoimmune problems. Too little cortisol is associated with low blood pressure, weakness and fatigue.

"Fight or flight" hormone - Adrenaline

Adrenaline, like cortisol, is called a stress hormone. It is produced in the adrenal glands and some cells of the central nervous system. The main function of adrenaline is to prepare the body for the "fight or flight" reaction and allows quick decision-making in dangerous or stressful situations.

Too much adrenaline over a long period of time can cause high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, palpitations, irritability, and dizziness.

Hormone balance

Hormones tend to work together in a variety of ways. This means that maintaining hormonal balance is very important for our body. Disruption of one of the hormones can affect all the others. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balance in your body.

It is also important to get all the necessary substances for the production of hormones.

Hormones (particularly serotonin) have a profound effect on how we feel. There is a connection between what we eat and how we feel, so it is important to think about what we eat. In order to maintain hormonal balance, it is recommended to eat the following products:

  • Low glycemic index products (mushrooms, onions, almonds);
  • Lean proteins (seafood, meat, poultry, as they contain less than 10% of fat);
  • Products rich in fatty omega acids (oily fish, walnuts);
  • Natural, enzyme-rich foods (natural yogurt, kefir, homemade gira);
  • Foods that have less processed products and saturated fat;

Hormonal imbalance

The main reasons why hormones are disturbed are: high stress, insufficient sleep, poor diet, diabetes, menopause, problems with the thyroid gland. Other health problems can also be responsible for hormonal imbalances.


Maintaining excellent hormonal balance is essential to maintaining excellent physical and psychological health. We cannot ignore the effect hormones have on us, especially if we want to be the best version of ourselves!!

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