sleeping woman

How does gut bacteria affect sleep?

Research shows a connection between a healthy gut and sleep, but scientists still disagree on whether certain bacteria have a good or bad effect.

The research reveals new insights into the gut microbiome, the community of trillions of bacteria that live in each person's digestive tract. Over the past decade, the role of the microbiome in human health has been consistently explored.

There is a growing body of evidence linking the gut microbiome to sleep. But to understand this, it's important to first know that your gut actually has a close relationship with your brain.

More about the microbiota and its importance can be found in:

Your brain and your gut each other knows well

Experts who study the microbiome say what's in your gut affects how you sleep.

The brain is the center of the body, constantly sending and receiving information from every part and system of the body. However, the connection between the gut and the brain is particularly strong and complex.

Gut microorganisms appear to have several signaling mechanisms that allow them to communicate with the brain in ways that can affect a person's mood, appetite, stress levels, and many other things.

One of the scientists' hypotheses is that these bacteria produce metabolites that return to the brain. (Metabolites are small molecules that result from the breakdown of food.) Another hypothesis is that gut bacteria trigger the release of immune system chemicals that the brain detects and responds to.

Sleep affects what happens in the gut

The composition of the microbiome fluctuates during the day and night, and these fluctuations play an important role in programming some of the body's sleep genes (report). Some of these sleep genes regulate the body's circadian cycles, which are like internal clocks that tell the body when it's time to feel tired or alert.

in 2019 published in the study examined how the gut microbiome may affect sleep. The researchers assessed and compared sleep with the gut microbiome of 26 adult men. They found a connection between the composition of the gut microbiome, sleep patterns, the immune system and cognition.

In particular, they found that overall microbiome diversity contributed to increased sleep efficiency and total sleep time.

Of a certain kind bacteria may also be associated with better sleep. In the study, researchers investigated the role of the gut microbiome in sleep in children under 5 years of age.

Specific bacteria have been found to be able to regulate sleep by modulating how the brain controls chemical processes in the body and the immune system. The study found that children with high concentrations of bifidobacteria had more time to sleep at night.

Research shows that a greater diversity of gut bacteria protects against other health problems, such as obesity or gastrointestinal disease.

It appears that sleep and the gut microbiome are indeed linked, but it is still unclear whether the microbiome affects sleep or vice versa. And experts say boosting microbiome health is a work in progress — and whether improving gut function can solve sleep problems doesn't have a single answer.

For good digestion and bowel movements

Can prebiotics, probiotics help solve sleep problems?

Probiotics, live bacteria found in foods and supplements. Prebiotics, the food these bacteria eat, are nutrients that cause favorable changes in the gut microbiome. These powerful interrelationships can also influence the brain and general behavior.

You also evaluate the relationship between the microbiome, brain activity and the immune system from birth to old age, taking into account the sleep-wake cycle.

The review also examines how different approaches, such as probiotics and prebiotics, can enhance gut microbiome, to improve brain and gut health and optimize the sleep-wake cycle. Ultimately, it found that more research is needed to identify the missing link connecting the gut microbiome to brain and immune health and sleep.

It's possible that probiotic or prebiotic supplements can help improve gut microbiome health, as well as sleep. The researchers also point out that people's microbiomes vary, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Scientists are faced with a very complex ecosystem that they have not fully understood.

Next investigation, showed that there was a greater diversity of gut bacteria among individuals who slept less and at different times than they were used to. Observed by measuring the fecal metabolome, or small molecules produced by the bacteria that make up the gut microbiome.

The researchers note that a healthy gut microbiome may be especially important for people in occupations whose jobs limit their ability to get adequate, regular sleep (eg, healthcare workers and military personnel, shift/night work).

Human fecal bacteria change when a person is deprived of sleep or follows an unusual sleep-wake schedule. These changes in bacteria have also been linked to problems with alertness.

Experts advise maintaining a healthy gut through things like exercise and stress management. Eat natural probiotic foods such as kefir, sauerkraut.

Food containing probiotics

Each has a different mix of microbes, so eating a variety of quality foods will give you the best chance to benefit. In addition, people have been eating these foods for centuries, so their benefits are beyond doubt.

It's important

* Pay attention to the signals sent by your well-being in time;

*Replenish the body with natural minerals or vitamins;

*Enjoy energy and good mood every day!

For those who are interested in how to strengthen the body, have energy, avoid mood swings and regain peace of mind, preventive health specialists recommend Testa  "Your Day". This test will help you get to know your body better and get recommendations on which nutrients to enrich it with.

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