Chronic diseases are more common in old age. Although genetics play a small role in life expectancy and susceptibility to these diseases, lifestyle probably has a greater impact. The world has…
Diarrhea is one of the most common health problems. Diarrhea can range from mild and temporary to potentially life-threatening. It is estimated that every year in the world…
On your stomach, side or back? Curled up into a ball or spread out like a starfish? You might be surprised how lying down before bed and your sleeping position can affect your sleep…
Chances are you're not drinking enough water. By using these tips, you will saturate your body with the right amount of water and help your health. Even if you have tried to apply certain…
We all probably know that sweating is the body's way of cooling the body - when sweat reaches the surface of the skin, it evaporates, which has a cooling effect. However…
The temperature outside makes us think about how and where we should spend our time so that the heat does not escape us. You may notice how the heat outside affects your bodies. For our body…
Losing weight is not the answer to all health problems. However, if your doctor recommends it and you yourself feel that the extra weight is more of a hindrance than a help, there are tips that…
Micronutrients to improve water quality are the latest health trend. But should you add minerals to your water or still enjoy filtered water? Below we provide information that…