For the brain

Six brain-boosting nutrients

Your brain needs a lot of resources. To maintain their activity, a daily caloric rate of at least 20 % is required. Consuming the right foods and fluids will ensure that your brain can think, learn and focus productively. Here are the 6 best brain-boosting nutrients.

1. Iron

red meat

Even a little decreased iron content can cause fatigue, disrupt thinking and working capacity functions and reduce energy levels.*

The main sources of iron are red meat, beans and dark green leafy vegetables.

2. Liquid consumption


Studies have shown that dehydration, even if it is less than 1 % of body weight, can lead to a deterioration of cognitive functions.

Drinking water has helped improve memory and concentration in dehydrated people. The greater the degree of dehydration, the worse the participants' memory and concentration.

3. Healthy fats

healthy fats

Omega-3 fats make up a large part of the brain and are especially important in promoting communication between brain cells and mediators that improve concentration and mental performance.* These fats also promote the body's normal response to inflammation and may help slow normal brain aging.*

There are omega-3 fats in fish such as salmon and sardines, as well as in flax and sage seeds and nuts such as walnuts. In addition, many people include Omega-3 supplements in their diet.

4. Probiotics


It seems that the expression "butterflies flutter in the stomach" is not uncommon. Some of the bacteria in our digestive tract can communicate directly with the brain, likely via the vagus nerve, and can affect the nervous and immune systems and hormone regulation.*

A variety of foods and fermented foods can help promote the growth of good gut bacteria. It is also worth considering the use of probiotics.

5. Choline

egg yolk

Foods high in choline, such as egg yolks, are excellent brain foods. Choline is an important nutrient for the formation of acetylcholine, the main mediator in the brain.

6. Creatine


Creatine has long been associated with athletic performance and muscle health, but more and more scientists are evaluating creatine for its effects on brain function.* Creatine is important for its ability to help regulate energy and support cognitive function.* Studies have shown that people who took creatine increased cognitive performance, compared to those who did not use it.*

Creatine is mainly found in red meat and other animal protein sources. A normal dieter consumes one gram of creatine per day, but many studies suggest that at least 3 grams or more should be consumed. Therefore, attempts are being made to convince people to include creatine monohydrate in their diet.

If you are not sure which vitamins or other supplements the most appropriate at the moment, take the test "Your Day" and find out  personal recommendation!

*VMVT has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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One comment on “Šešios smegenų veiklą skatinančios maistinės medžiagos

  • Renata

    2024-07-11 - 18:07

    Thanks for sharing. Very useful for me

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