Fat burning

The effect of cold on fat burning and how vitamin A is involved

Have you ever heard that the weather can affect your weight? Inclement weather may be a good excuse to put off your daily run, but new research suggests that exercising in cooler temperatures can burn more fat than usual – at least during shorter, high-intensity workouts.

Running in winter

Reaction of fats to air

There are two types of adipose tissue - white and brown. White adipose tissue is stored in the body as fat and calories, but when the body releases energy or heat (thermogenesis or fat burning), white adipose tissue turns to brown. But what triggers it to turn brown or activates the brown adipose tissue you already have?

Although the body's first reaction to the cold is shivering, eventually enough brown fat is produced and activated in the body to take over the function of heat production. In any case, the body burns extra calories in response to the cold.

It can even help you lose weight. As long as you don't overeat to compensate for the extra energy your body uses when exposed to the cold, you can expect to lose some weight due to the cold. How much depends on the person.

It may have additional metabolic benefits. People with more brown fat have better insulin sensitivity and lower levels of circulating fatty acids and triglycerides.

Many people have questions about how to burn fat. There are many studies and useful information on this topic:

What causes adipose tissue to turn brown or activates existing brown adipose tissue? One study, conducted at the Medical University of Vienna in collaboration with researchers from Harvard Medical School, Rutgers University and Brigham and Women's Hospital, looked at the effects of cold on thermogenesis in mice and humans.

The study involved 30 healthy, lean volunteers (aged 20-45) who were exposed to moderate cold (14-17 degrees Celsius) for 2.5 hours wearing water-filled cooling vests. Previous studies have shown that this temperature stimulates the production of brown adipose tissue, which in turn promotes the loss of adipose tissue. 

As is known, the metabolism of vitamin A (retinol) plays an important role in the activation of adipose tissue. This study found that cold exposure significantly increased blood levels of retinol and retinol-binding protein (RBP). RBP is essential for the transport of vitamin A from the liver (where it is stored) to other body tissues, including adipose tissue.

In addition, after evaluating adipocyte progenitor cells from four donors, the researchers found that "retinol promotes browning of human adipocytes and coordinately accelerates oxidative metabolism." This conclusion was confirmed by studies with mice.

Is this weight loss temporary?

How much cold does it take to increase the body's beneficial brown and beige fats? It depends on many factors. For one thing, how much cold you can withstand before you start feeling cold depends on whether you have deposits of white fat in your body that insulate your body.

It's also unclear whether the weight loss and metabolic changes associated with brown fat will have long-term health benefits. Many diet studies have shown that almost any intervention can help you lose weight in the short term. However, the body likes to return to homeostasis. That's why it's so hard to keep the weight off.

before and after

Vitamin A for burning fat?

The study did not confirm that taking vitamin A can help you burn more fat. in Europe vitamin A deficiency is not common. A balanced diet and a good multivitamin should be sufficient for most adults. However, this study confirmed that cold – perhaps best experienced during winter outdoor exercise – can stimulate the release of vitamin A from the liver, thereby stimulating fat metabolism. 

The researchers concluded: "Vitamin A levels in mouse and human body systems are regulated by cold exposure, and cold-induced adipose tissue browning and adaptive thermogenesis require intact retinoid transport."

You will learn more about the body's personal need for minerals or vitamins after taking a free health test "Your Day":


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Fenzl A, Kulterer O, Spirk K, et al. Intact vitamin A transport is critical for cold-mediated adipose tissue browning and thermogenesisMol Metab 2020;42:101088. doi:10.1016/j.molmet.2020.101088

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