Over the last decade, the alkalizing diet has become very popular. Including plant-based products in your daily diet has great benefits. By making healthy lifestyle choices and being aware of the impact of your decisions, you can help restore your body's pH balance.
Although our body's pH balance is critical to optimal health, eating alkaline foods is not a panacea for pH regulation.
Let's see how we can have an alkaline and acidic balance in the simplest possible way.
Six useful and simple ways to alkalize the body:
- Optimize digestion
- Breathe deeply
- Good sleep
- Daily nutrition
- Exercise daily
- Stress management
First of all, our body contains different media that have different pHs, for example: the pH of urine ranges from 4.5 to 8.0, while the pH of blood ranges from only 7.35 to 7.45. Our blood pH is where it is important for us to maintain balance. The body will naturally balance the pH of the blood at 7.4 if there are no harmful external conditions.
Most tests use simple strips based on a urine sample to determine pH. However, much more detailed testing is required to determine the true pH of the blood. Eating an alkaline food such as a salad or drinking a green smoothie will increase the alkalinity of your urine. However, urine pH is not an accurate indication of total blood pH.
What is pH and how does it affect the body?
The term pH refers to the potential of hydrogen. It measures the acidity or alkalinity of the body on a scale of 0 to 14. The lower the number, the more acidic the body. The ideal body pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. This number indicates that the body is slightly alkaline.
The kidneys are what determine the pH of our blood. The health of our kidneys involves many factors other than just what we eat. You may have already heard somewhere that animal foods, which leave an acidic environment in the body, harm the kidneys and therefore affect the pH of the blood. Before we go any further, let's analyze it briefly.
If the kidneys determine the pH of the blood, should acidic foods be eliminated
The kidneys are well prepared to digest "acid residues" from acidic foods. Whether these foods come from alkaline proteins like hemp, broccoli, or acidic proteins like meat, eggs, or even buckwheat, the kidneys will process them all the same. Therefore, there is no question of removing acidic proteins from the diet, which have many benefits for the body. For example, despite their acidic nature, eggs are one of the most reliable sources of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D.
Eliminating something from your daily diet just because they are acidic in nature would be counterproductive and could lead to other health related problems in the long run. In the following steps, we'll look at how to maintain optimal pH.
What happens when the body is alkaline
The body has a natural pH balance that is slightly alkaline. When your body's pH and hormones are in balance, everything works like clockwork - to its own rhythm. Energy, mood and digestion work harmoniously together. Organs remove toxins from the body and maintain overall balance. When the body's pH is more or less alkaline, it is believed to produce skin conditions such as:
- Clearly the mind works
- High energy level
- A well-functioning immune system
- Less risk of inflammation
When the body's pH is unbalanced and more acidic, the body is no longer in an optimal state. If the body is too acidic, over time it can cause problems such as constipation, bloating and fatigue. Fortunately, there are a few ways to get your pH back on track and back to normal. You can start alkalizing and feel the benefits.
There are 6 simple ways to alkalize the body:
Optimizing the digestive system
While food choices are an important factor, even more important is how the digestion of those foods affects our body's pH. Overeating alkaline foods can overload the kidneys and create an acidic state in the body just as easily, if not more effectively.1
As you learned earlier, the goal is not to eat only alkaline foods to keep the body alkaline. The key is digestion. You need protein, and whether you choose alkaline or acid-based proteins, digesting that protein is important.
Undigested food of any pH will cause your body to become acidic, as the kidneys will have to work over time to filter the undigested waste. Undigested food can also lead to pathogenic and bacterial overgrowth, which essentially leads to acidic conditions.
To optimize digestion, try consuming fermented foods such as green sauerkraut with your meals. A glass of ginger juice after a meal can help stimulate stomach acid, improving optimal protein digestion.
Eat only when you are really hungry. It is important to distinguish between hunger and emotional eating.
You can learn about emotional eating in the section: Emotional eating and how to stop it
Eat smaller portions of protein with more vegetables. If you feel like you need help with your digestion, it's worth looking into enzymes. Consuming digestive enzymes can increase the absorption of key ingredients, including amino acids and vitamins, by increasing the transport of these nutrients into the intestinal cells where they enter the bloodstream.
The condition of the digestive system is very important to maintain the optimal pH of the body. In the product category For digestion more useful information can be found on nutrients that can contribute to optimal digestion and pH maintenance.
Nutrients for alkalizing the body
We understand that it is not easy to maintain an optimal pH balance. The solution is simple – adding nutrients that help maintain pH balance.
Trace Minerals Ionic sea minerals, 90 capsules36,90 €
Trace Minerals ConcenTrace liquid marine mineral complex, 118 ml39,90 €Rated 4.80 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings
Trace Minerals tablets - Sea mineral complex, 90 tablets36,90 €
Deep breathing alkalizes
There are many ways to have good nutrition, but one of the easiest ways to maintain perfect health is completely free and innate! When we breathe deeply, we not only alkalize the body by increasing the amount of oxygen, but at the same time it reduces stress and cleanses the body of toxins.
Deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to alkalize the body. Breathing too fast can cause an imbalanced pH condition, prompting the nervous system to release too many stress hormones. On the other hand, very calm breathing can also cause an imbalance, because the body is deprived of oxygen and there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood. Too much dioxide creates an overly acidic state.
Therefore, deep diaphragmatic breathing is a remedy for a healthy pH balance. Full (deep) breathing that fills the entire abdomen has been shown to increase oxygen consumption. Such breathing cleanses the body at the cellular level, improving digestion and reducing stress hormones.
Just practice deep breathing that fills the lower part of the lungs (it will look like the belly is filled with air). Take a deep breath and slowly count to four. Hold your breath and count to four. Exhale to the count of four. Just a few minutes every morning, night or during your workout and your body will stay slightly alkaline!
Sleep alkalizes the body
A good rest does wonders for health. The benefits of rest range from improved skin, better digestion, mental alertness, a balanced hormonal system, to a more alkaline body. Lack of quality sleep can lead to blood sugar imbalances. Imbalances can contribute to mental and hormonal imbalances that lead to cravings for overly acidic foods such as refined sugars and carbohydrates.
Quality sleep will prevent bad habits that usually lead to an excessively acidic state of the body. Circadian sleep will promote the natural cleansing of acidic wastes accumulated from stress, diet and the environment. In addition, high-quality sleep promotes a healthy pH, improving the stress response.
The adrenal glands and thyroid gland play an important role in how the body responds to stress. When there is too little sleep, these glands are overloaded and the body's peace is disturbed. Excessive secretion of stress hormones creates an acidic condition in the body and weakens the digestive system.
Sleep is important for maintaining a healthy body. The best way to promote healthy sleep is to sleep according to your circadian rhythm. That means going to bed by 10:30 p.m. (or when the sun is fully set) and get up when you feel fully rested.
Scientists have studied how long it is optimal to sleep - Scientists have found that 7 hours of sleep is best for middle-aged people
Sleeping position is also important. More about sleeping positions is given – Good sleep, how to choose the right sleeping position
Not eating or exercising before bed will give your body the energy it needs to sleep soundly. Yes, getting a good night's sleep actually requires energy, so it's important to breathe deeply throughout the day to get a good night's sleep. In addition, the room where you sleep must be well darkened. Darkness will help stimulate melatonin production.
Daily nutrition for alkalizing
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables naturally produces highly alkaline foods. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and nutrients that help fight inflammation and keep energy levels high.
Some of the most alkaline foods include:
- Avocado
- Cabbage
- Sweet potato
- Spinach
- Garlic
- Onion
- Broccoli
- Celery
Eating a daily diet that is low in processed junk foods and high in fruits and vegetables generally supports your overall health. In addition, a healthy diet rich in fiber supports well-being and the digestive system.
When choosing supplements, it is important to pay attention to which ones are most suitable for maintaining pH balance. Quality sheets for pH balance.
A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body desperately needs.
compromise a healthy diet full of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive.
The vagina helps to alkalize
When you exercise, your breathing becomes faster and so does your blood flow. It helps alkalize the body in a similar way to deep breathing. By removing more carbon dioxide from the body than normal, it helps to balance the body's pH levels. Carbon dioxide is very acidic, so it's good to remove as much of it as possible.
Incorporating light exercise into your day is helpful. It can be a walk or a bike ride. When you move, you push waste out of your body. Regular exercise and keeping your body moving is essential for overall health. Staying active is good for your body and mind. Even just 20 minutes of walking every day can help you feel better.
Let's reduce the stress level
Stress affects the body in many ways. When you are under too much stress, it can be difficult to calm your mind. Then we have lack of sleep, anxiety, overeating, and just generally feeling bad all the time. When under stress, the digestive system can be disturbed. The digestive system helps to remove toxins from the body.
More useful information about the effects of stress can be found at: Effects of stress on the body
Reducing stress levels is an important element in alkalizing the body. Find stress-relieving activities that work. Things like yoga, exercise, journaling, stretching, meditation, and spending time in nature can all help reduce stress levels. Anything that makes you feel calmer will help restore the natural balance in your body and mind.
It is important to rememberthat everyone's health is individual and there is no common recipe for everyone!
So, if you want to know if your body might be lacking nutrients right now, health professionals recommend a guide – "Your Day".
- In time, pay attention to the signals sent by your well-being
- Replenish the body with natural minerals, vitamins and nutrients necessary for health.
- Enjoy energy and good mood everyday!