benefits of vitamin e in products

Benefits and importance of vitamin E for health

Vitamin E is often considered a single compound. It is actually a group of eight fat-soluble compounds that have powerful antioxidant effects.

Of these eight chemical forms, alpha-tocopherol best meets human needs.1

Vitamin E occurs naturally in certain foods, including seeds, nuts, some vegetables, and some fortified foods. You can also get vitamin E from food supplements.

Vitamin E has many roles in the body. It is perhaps best known for its antioxidant effects. This effect protects cells from oxidative damage neutralizing harmful molecules called free radicals. In addition, it is required for proper immune function and cell signaling.

That's why research shows that taking vitamin E supplements can have health benefits.

This article discusses the potential benefits of vitamin E.

May reduce markers of oxidative stress and improve antioxidant defense

Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs when there is an imbalance between the body's antioxidant defenses and the production and accumulation of compounds called reactive oxygen species (ROS). Oxidative stress can cause cell damage.

Because vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant, studies have shown that high-dose supplementation can reduce markers of oxidative stress and boost antioxidant defenses.2

in 2021 the study also showed that supplementing with a combination of vitamin E and vitamin C for 8 weeks reduced oxidative stress markers such as malondialdehyde and RDR in women with endometriosis.3

May reduce risk factors for heart disease

High blood pressure and high levels of lipids in the blood, such as LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, can increase the risk of developing heart disease.

Promising research suggests that vitamin E supplements may help reduce heart disease risk factors in some people.

in 2019 A review of 18 studies found that vitamin E supplementation significantly reduced systolic but not diastolic blood pressure—the top and bottom numbers of blood pressure readings—compared to placebo.4

Some research also suggests that taking vitamin E along with omega-3 supplements can lower LDL and triglyceride levels in people with metabolic syndrome (a group of conditions including high blood fats that increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems).5

There are often rumors about the possibilities of lowering cholesterol. More information is provided in the article - How to reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

May benefit those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

NSCLC involves the accumulation of fat in the liver in people who drink little or no alcohol.

Vitamin E supplements may improve some aspects of health in people with NSCLC, according to research findings.

in 2021 A review of eight studies found that vitamin E supplementation reduced the liver enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lowered blood lipids, and improved liver health in people with NSCLC.7

Elevated levels of AST and ALT can indicate liver inflammation and damage in people with NSCLC.

May help manage dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea is a condition characterized by severe and frequent menstrual pain.

Promising research suggests that vitamin E supplements may reduce pain in women with this condition.

in 2018 in a study of 100 dysmenorrhoeic women, taking 200 IU of vitamin E daily improved menstrual pain more than placebo. The effect was even better when the vitamin was combined with an omega-3 supplement containing 180 mg EPR and 120 mg DHA.8

The benefits and importance of Omega-3 are given – Omega 3 effects


Vitamin E supplements may benefit those with certain skin conditions such as eczema.

Supplements benefit the skin:

For cognitive health

Vitamin E may benefit cognitive health. Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin E and taking supplements can help protect against cognitive decline. However, it is still unclear whether the supplements benefit people with cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.8

For the elderly

Because vitamin E plays important roles in health, such as reducing inflammation and improving immune function, supplementation may be beneficial for people who have increased needs or do not get enough i6 in their daily diet.

May improve lung function

Studies have shown that vitamin E supplements can improve lung function and certain asthma symptoms in children and adults.9

How much vitamin E do you need?

Vitamin E deficiency is uncommon in otherwise healthy individuals, as most people get enough from a well-balanced diet.

Daily rate:

AgeFor a personExpectantFor those who are breastfeeding
0-6 months4 mg
7-12 months5 mg
1-3 years6 mg
4-8 years7 mg
9-13 years11 mg
14+ years old15 mg15 mg19 mg

Vitamin E deficiency

Although vitamin E deficiency is generally rare, it is more common in certain populations.

For example, in people with medical conditions related to fat malabsorption, including cystic fibrosis and Crohn's disease.10

In addition, those with certain rare inherited diseases, such as abetalipoproteinemia, are also more likely to have vitamin E deficiency.

People with anorexia nervosa can also become deficient in vitamin E due to poor nutrition.

Vitamin E overdose

It is unlikely to overdose on Vitamin E from foods. However, it is possible to consume too much Vitamin E through supplements, which can cause negative side effects and harm your health.

For example, studies have shown that vitamin E supplements may increase the risk of prostate cancer in healthy men.11

High doses of vitamin E supplements can also

Keep in mind that vitamin E dosages in supplements vary widely. If you decide to use it, read the information on the label carefully. Also, choose only reliable and specialist-recommended manufacturers:

Interactions with drugs

Vitamin E may interact with certain medications.

While the following are a few examples, it's always important to talk to your health care professional about supplements you take, especially before starting prescription medications.

Vitamin E may interact negatively with:

  • anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs
  • simvastatin and niacin
  • chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Foods containing vitamin E

Although supplements are sometimes necessary, it is almost always best to meet your nutrient needs through food.

If you want to increase your intake of vitamin E-rich foods, here are some good options:

FoodQuantityVitamin E
wheat germ oil1 tbsp. tablespoon (14 mL)135% from the Daily rate
dry roasted sunflower seeds28 st.49% from Daily rate
dry roasted almonds28 st.45% from Daily rate
cooked spinach1/2 bowl 112 g.13% from the Daily rate
boiled broccoli1/2 cup (46 grams)8% from Daily rate
kiwi1 medium size (69g)7% from Daily rate
mango82 St.5% from the Daily rate
tomato1 medium size (123g)5% from the Daily rate

Remember, the best way to get enough vitamin E in your diet is to eat a variety of nutritious foods every day, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

It's important

Vitamin E is an important fat-soluble nutrient. It is a powerful antioxidant and is necessary for immune health and cell signaling in the body.

Many foods contain vitamin E, but it can also be obtained from quality supplements.

Some research suggests that taking vitamin E supplements may benefit certain populations, including people with diabetic nephropathy and NSCLC.

High doses of vitamin E supplements can cause side effects and interact with certain medications.

If you're considering adding more vitamin E to your diet, talk to your health care professional first about your specific health concerns.

Try it today: Some of the highest sources of vitamin E are nuts and seeds. These crunchy foods also provide fiber, healthy fats, minerals and essential vitamins.

It is important to rememberthat everyone's health is individual and there is no common recipe for everyone!

So, if you want to know what nutrients your body might be lacking right now, health professionals recommend a guide –  "Your Day".

  • In time, pay attention to the signals sent by your well-being
  • Replenish the body with natural minerals, vitamins and nutrients necessary for health.
  • Enjoy energy and good mood everyday!

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