Stomach upset? What to do? Everyone at least once in their life has encountered a moment when the stomach simply stops and does not work as usual. The question is what to do when faced with the problem of a stagnant stomach. Malnutrition is often at the root of all stomach problems. Most of the time, this is the reason that causes this problem. However, there are other reasons that cannot be overlooked. Very often, such a problem occurs in people who eat a huge amount of food in one sitting.
What is the stomach?
The stomach is an important digestive organ that is an essential part of the human digestive system. It is bag-shaped and located in the upper abdomen, just below the diaphragm. The stomach acts as a reservoir that temporarily stores ingested food while it is being prepared for further digestion in the intestines.
The main functions of the stomach are:
- Food storage: The stomach can temporarily hold about 1-2 liters of consumed food and liquids, which allows us not to eat continuously during the day.
- Mechanical food processing: Through mixing and squeezing, the stomach grinds ingested food into smaller pieces, helping to grind it into a mush-like mass called rumen.
- Chemical food processing: The stomach produces gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and enzymes such as pepsin. These components help break down proteins and disinfect food by killing the bacteria in it.
- Secretion of hormones and enzymes: The stomach produces certain hormones, such as gastrin, which regulate the acidity of the stomach and stimulate the production of digestive enzymes.
- Transport of food into the small intestine: After processing in the stomach, the food is gradually transferred to the duodenum, where the digestion process continues.
The anatomy and function of the stomach is designed for efficient digestion of food, and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being.
What are the causes of gastric stasis
As we have already mentioned, the main problem of a stagnant stomach is the wrong diet. It can be overeating, harmful food and lack of necessary substances (enzymes) deficiency in the digestive system, also a very common reason is the wrong time for eating, for example - late dinner.
A big problem in the modern world is "fast" food. Due to an overly active lifestyle, many people simply do not have time to have a normal breakfast, lunch or dinner. You really have to eat quick snacks on the road instead of a wholesome meal prepared at home.
When you eat, pay attention to how you chew your food. Food that enters the stomach in large pieces is very poorly digested. The body has to use much more energy to digest such food. When the stomach cannot digest a huge amount of food, we often say - "The stomach has stopped". Here are some tips to avoid the problem of a stagnant stomach.
Interesting facts about the stomach
- The stomach can cope with an acidic environment: The stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which is needed to digest food and kill bacteria. Although this acid is strong enough to dissolve the metal, the lining of the stomach protects it from damage from the acid itself.
- From birth to old age: The human stomach can expand and contract depending on the amount of food consumed. A newborn's stomach is about the size of a small pear-sized fruit, while an adult's stomach can hold about 2 liters of food and liquid when expanded.
- Emotions and the Stomach: The stomach is closely related to our emotional states. Stress and anxiety can cause or worsen various digestive problems, such as stomach aches or even ulcers.
- Stomach speed: Digestion in the stomach takes about 2-6 hours, depending on the food consumed. Heavier, fatty foods are digested more slowly, while lighter ones are digested more quickly.
- Ancient treatments: In ancient Greece and Rome, herbal extracts and infusions, such as ginger or peppermint, were often used to treat stomach disorders.
- Stomach and Immune System: The stomach plays an important role in supporting the immune system by protecting us from pathogens that may enter our food. Its acidic pH is the first line of defense against many microorganisms.
- Not all animals have one stomach: Some mammals, such as cows, have a complex four-stomach digestive system where food is processed in stages to efficiently digest plant foods.
These facts show how complex and interesting our digestive system is, especially the part of the stomach where the process of breaking down many nutrients begins.
When we want to wet everything and feel good
To always enjoy the pleasure of a good meal without worries, it is useful to have active enzymes that help with indigestion.
Symptoms of a stagnant stomach
How do you know if your stomach has stopped? What to do in this case? Pay attention to the following symptoms:
- Abdominal heaviness.
- The sharp pain in the stomach that comes on, it goes away.
- Burping, after which we feel an unpleasant smell and the taste of generations.
- Elevated body temperature can indicate more serious problems.
If you notice these symptoms often enough, it's time to adjust your diet and take additional steps. Perhaps there is something more serious behind these recurring signs.
Stomach stopped - what to do
Treatment of such a problem can be done at home. All you need is to determine the right diet. Follow a special regime and do not violate it in any case, and also always have a quality breakfast.
The first meal should be the most nutritious, and the dinner should be light with few calories. In the evening, you should eat a few hours before going to bed. Yes, you will give your stomach a rest and it will recover.
Try not to overeat. After all, this is the main and most common cause of a stagnant stomach. It is better to eat more often, but in less time, than to eat the entire daily allowance at one time. Eating more frequently will have a positive effect on the entire digestive tract. The load on the digestive system will be distributed evenly, which means that there will be no more problems.
Nutritionists recommend eating only in a quiet environment. This way you feel your body more. Eating in front of the TV or phone really does not help the digestive system. You've noticed that while you're eating and browsing on your phone, you don't even feel like you've eaten. Eating is a process. The eyes must see the scale, so the body secretes the necessary saliva. You know that digestion starts in the mouth.
Stomach stops when the necessary enzymes are not available
When we often eat the same food and do not supplement the diet with other products, we lose very important enzymes. In the Western world, it is already observed that the human digestive system has a very poor variety of enzymes. Here is more about enzymes – Enzymes are the secret key to health
Enzymes can often be used to improve digestion. However, reliable enzymes should be chosen. Enzymes recommended by health professionals:
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The child's stomach stopped, what to do
Most often, a child's stomach stops because of overeating or drinking a lot of carbonated drinks and juices. Solving such a problem at home is really not difficult. The key is to follow a few simple steps.
First, lay the child on his side. At the same time, the legs should be bent at the knees and pulled up to the chest. You need to lie in this position for about half an hour. To better affect the abdomen, you can put a heating pad or mat. Give your child water to drink slowly. If nausea is observed, vomiting should be induced with a large amount of clean water.
If your child feels better within an hour, give him weak black tea.
Stomach problems when you are expecting
If the stomach stopped during pregnancy: what to do? This question often worries many women. Still, this discomfort occurs, even with proper nutrition.
Avoid fatty, salty, spicy and smoked foods for the entire period of pregnancy.
Do not take medicines as they can only make your condition worse. Consult your doctor. But drinking a glass of kefir or looking at something sour will definitely not harm you.
Traditional treatments
Stopped stomach: what to do? Folk remedies have been an excellent and effective alternative to expensive drugs for many years.
Here are some of the most effective recipes:
- Herbal infusions. Mix equal parts of chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. Now take a spoonful of dry herbal mixture and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let the solution stand for half an hour to absorb well. Divide the prepared drink into three parts and drink it throughout the day.
- Mix equal amounts of raisins, dried apricots, plums, figs and dried apples. Take the ingredients and put them in a half cup. Now add the same amount of ground flax seeds and walnuts. Add half a glass of liquid honey to the entire prepared mixture. Take one tablespoon of the prepared mixture every day half an hour before breakfast. This will make your stomach work well throughout the day. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator.
First aid for stomach upset
What to do and how to help yourself, the questions are complicated, but solvable. You may have eaten or consumed a lot of heavy food. In this case, you need to take a horizontal position (it is better to lie on your side). Now loosen the belt or other items of clothing that compress the stomach or abdomen. Drink a glass of highly carbonated mineral water. Don't eat it, of course you probably won't want it yourself.1 Let your stomach rest. At this time, it is useful to drink herbal teas - they will start the digestive system.
Frequently asked questions about a stagnant stomach
What is a stagnant stomach?
Constipation is a condition where digestion slows down or stops completely, causing discomfort, bloating and sometimes pain. This condition can be caused by various reasons, such as poor diet or stress.
What are the main causes of a stagnant stomach?
A stagnant stomach is usually caused by poor diet, eating too fast, excessive alcohol consumption, certain medical conditions such as diabetes or hypothyroidism, and psychological factors such as stress.
How to treat a stagnant stomach?
A stagnant stomach can be treated by changing your eating habits – avoiding fatty and hard-to-digest foods, increasing your fiber intake and exercising regularly. Sometimes medication may also be needed, depending on the cause of the condition.
What symptoms accompany a stagnant stomach?
The main symptoms are bloating, heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, lack of appetite and abdominal pain. Symptoms may vary depending on the individual's medical condition.
How can stomach stasis be prevented?
Regular exercise, a balanced diet, drinking enough fluids and practicing stress reduction techniques are important to prevent stomach upset.
It's important
What should I do if my stomach stops? In this case, heavy physical exertion should not be undertaken. At that time, rest is important. It is recommended to rest in the fresh air.
Eat small portions, but often. Do not forget to ventilate the room.
Ventilate the bedroom before and after sleeping. Don't forget to have breakfast. Give preference to cottage cheese products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Do not abuse fatty, smoked, salted and fried foods.
By the way, do not eat hot food, because very often it becomes the cause of stomach upset and nausea. Black tea with lemon or strongly carbonated mineral water can be helpful to relieve the condition.
These methods are simple ways to treat stomach pain at home, and sometimes even gira can help.
A proper lifestyle is a guarantee of health.
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